Product Overview
Who doesn't want amazing and radiant skin? Witchy Woman is a wonderful makeup remover that leaves you feeling fresh and clean. Zap those zits in an instant with Zit Stick. Take your choice of either of our gorgeous facial serums, Inflamed or Smelly Face.
Smelly Face* is an earthy moisturizing serum that will leave you with a gorgeous glow.
Inflamed is formulated for skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and acne.
This package includes:
Witchy Woman, Zit Stick, Inflamed OR Smelly Face
Product ingredients can be found by clicking on the product name
*Avoid Smelly Face While Pregnant: Some essential oils used in Smelly Face are known emmenagogues. This means that they promote a healthy menstrual cycle by encouraging blood flow to the pelvic area and uterus. For more information on this please consult your care provider.